NORTH MIAMI BEACH, FLA. – 2 dead bodies were found a few blocks away from each other; two police agencies are investigating the case. The killings happened in North Miami and North Miami Beach.
On Friday, Miami-Dade Police was reported of a female dead body that was left in a motor vehicle with the engine running. The body was placed in the car near Northeast 177th Street and Eighth Place in Northeast Miami-Dade County.
The wife of the individual who owned the home near which the motor vehicle was parked found the dead body and called the cops. Yosef Abramov said, “My wife called, and she said, ‘I’m hearing a car outside,’. She said, ‘There’s a red car outside.’ I said, ‘Oh.’ She said that she thought at first it was me that was still outside,’ but I said I’d left. I was on my way to Boca.”
Another resident of the area, Rachel, told that there were cops everywhere in her street. She added, “It was intense, but they weren’t really letting us know what was going on.” She also told, “A police officer said we have to stay inside, and we can’t walk around.”
The female found dead inside the motor vehicle seemed like she was in her early 20s.
Before responding to the call of a murder, cops responded to another scene at Columbia Park, near Northeast 177th Street and 13th Avenue as there was a dead body of a male looked like a teenager.
Resident Shlomo Stein said, “What’s going on? Why is this happening? Why did that happen over here? (It) doesn’t seem like something that would happen in this neighborhood.” He added, “It’s a terrible thing, a terrible thing. We have to watch out for our neighborhood.” He has been living in the neighborhood since the past 15 years and told that it is a great community. He further said that last time a deadly incident occurred in 2014.
Investigators are trying to figure out if both deaths are linked to each other because they happened at a small distance of each other.
Stein added, “We even have like a there’s a security that goes around here for half of the day. It’s a private company, but generally, things like this don’t happen around here, no.”
The whole day Friday was spent by the Miami-Dade Police in an attempt to know the cause and the connection, the case is not closed yet as the police agencies are investigating. No information about the incident has been made public.
According to NMB police, they are not connecting the two killings, “They’re being investigated as separate incidents. Whether they’re related, time will tell.”
The woman’s red colored motor vehicle was towed away.
Some individuals living in the area in Northeast Miami-Dade that borders North Miami Beach told that they have seen many robberies and property crimes, but nothing like this incident.
Rachel added, “You hear about something like this, it breaks up that little bubble of security.”
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